FCSL Club InfoClub | Bailiwick Club | Code | BAIL | Tel | 203-531-7591 | Fax | | Pool number | 203- 531 -1532 | Website | thebailiwickclub.com | Street Address | Duncan Drive, Greenwich, CT, 06831 [Click for a map] | Mailing Address | PO Box 31068, Glenville Station, Greenwich, CT 06831 | Directions | Bailiwick Club, 12 Duncan Drive, Greenwich, CT 06831 (531-7591)
From the North: Merritt Parkway South to Exit 27, King Street/Rte. 120A (last exit in CT). Make a left at exit. Proceed south on King Street towards Rye Brook/Port Chester. At 3rd light, make a left onto Glenville Rd, and proceed several blocks to end (Stop & Shop across intersection). Make a right turn and proceed one block to first light and turn left onto Riversville Rd. Proceed on Riversville Rd. to the first street (not driveway) where you can turn left which is Bailiwick Rd. (sign is on right side of road). Proceed on Bailiwick Rd. to dead end at Bailiwick Club sign. Turn left onto Duncan Drive and proceed several blocks where road dead ends. Turn right and proceed down hill to entrance of clubhouse.
From the South, Hutchinson River Parkway North to Exit 30S (King Street, Route 120A). Turn right at exit. Proceed south on King Street towards Rye Brook/Port Chester. Follow above directions.
​Please make sure to drive slowly.
| Pool description | 6 lanes, 25 meters | Diving description | One 1-meter board | | last inspected: 5/2012 | General Manager | Gary Fishkind Home: Cell: 914-275-8571 E-mail: manager@thebailiwickclub.com | Aquatics Director | Cindy Chory Home: Cell: 914-602-8544 E-mail: cchory187@yahoo.com | Co-Swim & Dive Chair | Jill Ernst Home: Cell: 917-701-7546 E-mail: jillmulh1@gmail.com | Co-Swim & Dive Chair | Nicole Sanderson Home: Cell: 203-820-8474 E-mail: njsanderson@aol.com | Head Swim Coach | Steve Miller Home: Cell: 914-525-6603 E-mail: MillerSJ75@gmail.com | Assistant Swim Coach | Payton Foster Home: Cell: 203-461-5648 E-mail: pafoster24@me.com | Head Dive Coach | Ellie Scharff Home: Cell: 475-232-6949 E-mail: escharff05@gmail.com |